
Night prayers

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Having finished this day, I give you thanks, O Lord; I beseech you, O Savior, grant me this night free from sin, and save me.

Glory to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. - At the close of day, I glorify you, O Lord; I beseech you, O Savior, grant me this night free from temptation, and save me.

Now, and always, and forever and ever. Amen. - The day being finished, in song do I praise you, O Holy One; I beseech you, O Savior, grant me this night safe from the snare of evil, and save me.

Among your saints, O Christ, our God, grant rest to the souls of your servants departed, where there is neither pain, nor grief, noe weeping, but life without end.

And grant us, O, Lord, who prepare for sleep, rest of body and soul; and protect us from the dark sleep of sin, and from every benighted passion, and from the murk of the sinful pleasure. Quell the upheavels of concupiscence, quench the burning arrows of the evil one, cunningly aimed at us; quiet the turmoil of our bodies, and put to rest every worldly and carnal thought. And grant us, O God, a clear mind, purity of thought, a vigilant heart, peaceful sleep untroubled by the mockery of satan. Wake us at the time of prayer, strengthened in thy commandments, having ever before us the memory of your judgements in our midst. Grant us a voice of glorification throughout the night, that we may praise, bless and glorify your most honored and worthy name, of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen.

O, God of our fathers, who work your mercies perpetually among us, do not remove your mercy from us, but throughout their prayers, direct our lives in peace.

Through the prayers of all the saints and of the Mother of God, O Lord, grant us your peace, and have mercy on us, as one who alone are merciful.

Our Father...

Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blesset is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.


Most gracious Lord, friend of mankind, unworthy I stand before thee to praise, adore, and bless thee, and to thank thee for the benifits and blessings which thou hast granted me. With songs of blessing and praise I glorify thy infinite goodness and beseech thee, most loving Lord, to accept my prayer of thanksgiving as an incense of good aroma. Ans as thou didst heretofore give ear mercifully to my prayer, and didst show thy gracious love of man, so also I beseech thee, do thou henceforth spurn not my prayer. Protect me from all evil and shield me from every onslaught of my visible and invisible enemies, keep me free from sin, grant me health and increase of good works, and help me to live constantly in love of thee and of mt neighbor, and thereby become worthy of thy heavenly blessings. Amen.

Rugaciuni de seara

In numele Tatalui si al Fiului si al Sfantului Spirit [Duh]. Amin.

Ziua petrecand-o, multumesc tie, Doamne. Seara rogu-ma impreuna cu noaptea; fara pacat daruieste-o mie, Mantuitorule, si ma mantuieste.

Marire Tatalui si Fiului si Sfantului Spirit [Duh]. - Ziua trecand-o, preamarescu-te pe tine, Stapane; seara rogu-ma impreuna cu noaptea; fara sminteala daruieste-o mie, Mantuitorule, si ma mantuieste.

Si acum si pururea si in vecii vecilor. Amin. - Ziua savarsind-o, cu cantare te laud pe tine, Sfinte; seara rogu-ma impreuna cu noaptea; fara intindere de cursa daruieste-o mie, mantuitorule, si ma mantuieste.

Cu sfintii odihneste, Christoase, sufletele adormitilor tai robi, unde nu este durere, nici intristare, nici suspinare, ci viata fara de sfirsit.

Si ne da noua, Stapane, celor ce mergem spre somn, odihna trupului si sufletului, si ne pazeste pe noi de somnul cel intunecat al pacatului, si de toata patima cea intunecata si de noaptea placerilor. Aseaza intaritarile patimilor, stinge sagetile celui rau, cele aprinse, cele pornite asupra noastra cu viclesug. Zburdarile trupului nostru le potoleste, si tot gandul nostru cel pamantesc si trupesc adoarme-l. Si ne daruieste noua, Dumnezeule, minte desteapta, gand curat, inima traza, somn usor, si de toata nalucirea satanei netulburat. Scoala-ne pe noi in vremea rugaciunii intariti intru poruncile tale si aducerea-aminte de judecatile tale intru noi neintrerupta avand-o. Cuvintare de preamarire toata noaptea noua ne daruieste, ca sa laudam, sa binecuvintam si sa preamarim preacinstitul si de mare cuviinta numele tau, al Tatalui si al Fiului si al Sfantului Spirit [Duh], acum si pururea si in vecii vecilor. Amin.

Dumnezeul parintilor nostri,
care faci pururea cu noi dupa blandetele tale, nu departa mila ta de la noi, ci pentru rugaciunile lor, in pace indrepteaza viata noastra.

Pentru rugaciunile tuturor sfintilor si ale Nascatoarei de Dumnezeu, Doamne, pacea ta da-ne-o noua, si ne miluieste pe noi, ca cel ce singur esti milostiv.

Tatal nostru...

Nascatoare de Dumnezeu, Fecioara, bucura-te ceea ce esti plna de har, Marie, Domnul este cu tine. Binecuvintata esti tu intre femei si binecuvintat este rodul pantecelui tau, ca ai nascut pe Christos, Mantuitorul sufletelor noastre. Preasfanta Marie, Maica lui Dumnezeu, roaga-te pentru noi, pacatosii, acum si in ora mortii noastre. Amin.

Marire Tatalui si Fiului si Sfantului Spirit [Duh], si acum si pururea si in vecii vecilor. Amin.


Preaindurate si iubitorule de oameni Stapane, vin inaintea ta eu, nevrednicul, ca sa te laud, sa ma inchin tie, sa te binecuvintez, si sa-ti multumesc pentru binefacerile si darurile de care m-ai facut partas.

In fiecare miercuri, la ora l8:00, la Biserica Bunavestire, str.Agriculturii, Baia Mare, are loc intalnirea tineretului catolic baimarean.